lunes, 3 de noviembre de 2014


This blog is to let you know people a little more into the subject about football and not be content with just the basics of the subject, but with more information futbol funds.



  • To promote the proper use of leisure time and competition for children and youth in the neighborhood and surrounding areas daisies, by administering a program of sports training and development to a professional future in football. 


  •  To promote mass sports training process and device recreation community service that uses recreational units. 

  • Develop a multifaceted work that aims for the integral development of children and youth participating in the program facilitating the revival of sport and in particular the participation at local, national and international level.

  •  Strengthen the institutional program as a coach and athletic administrative model, organization or school club that promotes new talents Bogota. 

  • -To foster and contribute to the fulfillment of the Municipal Development Plan, State & National in the areas of sport and recreation, the National Recreation Plan and the factual development of the national sports system in order to improve the quality of life of citizens

  •  Generate revenue for the training school or club looking to strengthen the field of work and investments in materials, coaches, campus work and other variations that occur during the process, optimizing the use of recreational units.

introduction of football 

Football is a team sport practiced by almost everyone. Also having more number of followers. 

It is played by two sets of eleven players each with a round ball. You should call this sport football association, to distinguish it from the other sports that are also called football; why the United States is known as soccer. The football association is distinguished from other types of football because: 

It is played primarily with the feet and only the goalkeeper can catch the ball with your hand (if you are in the area). 

His bow or goal is quite long but not as high as rugby or other sports. 

It does not have much physical contact like football or Australian.


  • Football is a sport of strategy because you have to plan it played in the field. 

  • Football is a sport full porqueejercitas exercise all the muscles of the body. 

  •  Football is one of the oldest sports in the world porquenuestros ancestors played it. 

  • Football is a sport that unites crowds in one place. 

  • Football is a passion or a way of life because it is beautiful undeporte.



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